Get in touch
If you haven’t found what you need on our website, we are here to help in a number of other ways
By Webchat
You can initiate a web chat with one of our online team during office hours by using the webchat system that appears in the bottom right hand side of our website when available
By Phone
Customers should call us on the telephone number we provide on any written correspondence, or using telephone number 01782 401 100
Our Telephone line also offers a 24/7 automated card payment line system out of office hours. Please use your Advantis 8-digit reference number (not client reference) when making any payment via phone
By Fax
Our fax line number is 01782 747 575
By Post
Our head office address for written correspondence is:
Advantis Credit Ltd
Minton Hollins Building
Shelton Old Road
United Kingdom
If you have a disability, a physical or mental health condition, or just need extra support because your circumstances have changed, we have a range of ways to help make contacting us easier.
Let us know if you need any additional support or If you need information in a different format like accessible PDF, large print, or easy read, by getting in touch in one of the below methods:
• email us direct at
• call us on 01782 401 100
• chat with us live using the webchat button bottom-right on this page
Your feedback is important to us, and there are a number of ways you can let us know how we have performed. We monitor our Google Reviews site, and provide feedback where it is constructive to do so.
If you’d like to leave us feedback using the form below, we do not provide feedback, but all comments regarding our cases are reviewed and passed to relevant teams and staff within the business
We appreciate that you may not be happy with the service that you have received from us and wish to make a complaint using one of the methods we describe on our formal complaints process page